With this shoot I learned that even though things may appear messy and dirty, there's still a chance to be creative with what you have.
There's a canal by my house that leads straight back into the surrounding woods. I've seen people riding bikes and four-wheelers there countless times. So I decided to take my camera and check it out for myself. I hopped on my bike and followed the canal about a half mile into the woods; photographing at every little opportunity.
I must admit I was a little scared to go back there at first. Living so close to the swamps of Louisiana I felt a little uneasy peddling my bike along the canal. I was cautious when trekking the woods as I had a fear of being attacked by an alligator.....or a deer......or a possum.....or a rabid raccoon or something. lol
Here are a few shots I took:

These two are perhaps my favorite of the bunch. With the first one that tree really stood out in the woods. I love the colors of that one. The red and blue really mix well.

I thought this motor made for an interesting shot. I don't know how it got into the trees like it did but it kinda looked like an owl. So that's what I'll call this one.
"The Steel Owl".
And perhaps the most unique shot I took that day was this beach ball in the middle of nowhere. When I first passed it I didn't think much of it. It was on my way back that I noticed this little guy sleeping on the ball. I really thought he was dead at first. I got as close as possible for the shot and took about 10 pictures before he got up and bolted to the grass.
Anyway that's it for this post. Try giving me some feedback if you like what I'm doing.
And like last time here's the link to the rest of the shots I took:
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